© Annemarie Popp / Universität Bremen
Domshof Relocation: How Many Moving Boxes Does a Branch Library Need?
In addition to the Faculty of Law, the Juridicum legal library will also relocate to Forum at Domshof. Silke Huesmann talks about how SuUB is overseeing the relocation of 100,000 books
If all the books from the Juridicum, the legal library of the State and University Library (SuUB), were placed in one row, the distance spanned by their combined spine widths would be about three kilometers. This is roughly the same distance as from Bremen’s Universum Science Center to the roundabout “Stern.” The approximately 100,000 books will be moved from the University of Bremen’s main campus to the new “Forum at Domshof” building in the city center, where the Juridicum will be rebuilt for the law students. Silke Huesmann, head of department at the SuUB, tells us exactly what the relocation of the branch library will entail, what considerations need to be made, and what awaits library users in the Forum at Domshof.
The legal library will be set up on the first floor of the former NordLB building. Silke Huesmann knows that this is not an easy task: “A major challenge is that the room, due to the elliptical courtyard and the large windows, does not provide a lot of depth, which makes the placement of the shelves more difficult. In addition, the floor had to be reinforced to support the weight of the bookshelves.” To prevent the floors from collapsing under the weight, anchors had to be inserted into the hollow concrete floor, which will then be connected to the bookshelves. “Of course, this also means that the shelves will not be able to be moved. This requires impeccable planning in advance,” explains Silke Huesmann, who communicated the needs of the library with the site manager and architects. Because she oversees the library department for natural and social sciences, she is responsible for other branch libraries in addition to the Juridicum. She is also a construction representative and works with the SuUB’s other relocations and reconstruction projects.
210 Study Spaces in the New Juridicum
Of course, a branch library does not just consist of books and shelves. “It was important to us that there were enough study areas available. In the time leading up to examinations, students sometimes spend up to eight hours in the library,” explains Silke Huesmann. That is why individual desks will be set up along the entire wall of windows to the courtyard. In addition, several study areas will be available for silent and group work, and there will be a dedicated room for training courses, such as for databases and literature management. In total, the new Juridicum will have 210 study spaces. The library in the city center will also have scanners, printers and copiers, a rental counter, as well as lockers on the ground floor.

© Felix Clebowski / Universität Bremen

© Felix Clebowski / Universität Bremen

© Felix Clebowski / Universität Bremen
In addition to the structural details, however, several organizational workflows still need to be determined. In the future, library users will be able to order books from the central library to the Domshof library, but some logistical questions still need to be clarified to make this possible. However, Silke Huesmann already has a rough plan: “Our employees will travel to the city center once a day to deliver mail and can transport the books from the central library.”
Merging the various components of the legal library, on the other hand, will be a bit more challenging. The Juridicum was originally located in GW1 building, but was temporarily divided between NW1 building and the central library in 2021 due to renovations. A large portion of the books had to be moved to the book tower and therefore is currently only available on request. At Forum at Domshof, the legal library will be consolidated and all books made freely accessible to users. “For us, however, this also means that we have to merge the books from NW1 building and the central libraries and arrange them sensibly. Even though the area in Forum at Domshof may seem large, we have a little less space than before in GW1 building.”

© Annemarie Popp / Universität Bremen
Branch Library Relocation Starts in 2025
In October, the Faculty of Law will move to the new university building in the city center, followed by the relocation of the legal library, explains Silke Huesmann: “We are currently planning to start moving the books at the beginning of January. However, the shelves must be set up in advance. We should be through with everything by the end of January.” A moving company specializing in archives and libraries was commissioned for the large-scale project. How many boxes are needed for the approximately 100,000 books that make up the legal library? In fact, none at all, says Silke Huesmann: “Such moving companies have special transport trolleys, which group all the books from one shelf to be put back on a corresponding shelf at the new location. This saves a lot of time during sorting. We will complete the finishing touches and check everything again.” The furniture for the new Juridicum has already been taken care of: The bookshelves and tables were placed in five large containers after moving them out of GW1 building and will remain in the dry, warm, and clean place until they can be transported to Forum at Domshof.
The department head thinks it makes sense for the branch library to move into the city center and is looking forward to the new location: “The study of law is a classic study of literature. The current literature should therefore be where the students are – even if a large part of the literature is now available digitally and thus independent of location. And the new building is great, of course.” It is planned that five library employees will work permanently in the legal library after relocation. However, Silke Huesmann will not be moving to Domshof: “Since I am responsible for other library branches as well, I will stay on campus and enjoy the view of the drop tower from my office.”