© Alexander Elflein
Start of Semester: Helpers in the Shape of a Card
What are the Benefits of the Mensacard, Semester Ticket, Library Card, and Student Identity Card?
Welcome to the campus! The winter semester is beginning and you are discovering the university and campus with your new fellow students. For a successful start to your student life, the university, the Studierendenwerk, and the library will provide you with some help in card format. up2date. will show you these cards and what they can do.
You may have many questions at the beginning of your studies. How does everyday student life work? How do I get to the campus? How can I borrow literature? How can I pay on campus? The first answers to these questions have probably already reached you by post. Once you have enrolled, you will receive your semester ticket and student identity card. For a carefree campus life, however, you should also use the other helpers in card format.
The student identity card
How do I get the card?
Your student identity card will be sent to your home by post along with your study documents before the semester begins.
What do I need the card for?
Your student ID confirms that you are enrolled at the University of Bremen during this semester. Your student ID shows, among other things, your faculty and your registration number. Some institutions and companies will grant you discounts when you are enrolled at the University of Bremen and present your student identity card. For example, theaters, swimming pools, and museums offer special student rates. University sports are also discounted for students. You will also need your student ID when you collect your library card and Mensacard. You will also need your student identity card in order to vote.
The semester ticket
How do I get the card?
The semester ticket will be sent to your home by post with your study documents before the semester begins. You will also need a photo to stick onto the spot shown. The ticket is only valid after you have done this. This video from the student office shows how this works:
© Universität Bremen
What do I need the card for?
What do I need the card for? With the semester ticket in combination with a photo ID, you can use local public transport within the area of validity of the VBN, VEJ, and VGC. This includes buses and trains in Bremen and the surrounding area. You can also use regional trains throughout Lower Saxony. Some of the terminals included are even outside Lower Saxony. In addition, the IC line (long-distance trains) between Bremen Hauptbahnhof (main station) and Norddeich Mole can be used with the semester ticket. Please note, however, that this is always for seats in second class. The current scope of validity is provided by AStA.
The library card
How do I get the card?
The library card must be applied for via an online form on the website of the Bremen State and University Library (SuUB). You can collect the card from the Leihstelle (circulation desk) of the Central Library at the center of the campus on Universitäts-Boulevard, the Branch Library for Engineering and Social Sciences, the Branch Library for Economics and Nautical Sciences, or the Branch Library of Bremerhaven. The card is valid for 12 months but can be renewed. You will need your national identity card and student ID to collect your card.
What do I need the card for?
With the library card, you can borrow books via the issuing machines at the SuUB locations. This video shows how it works:
© SuUB Bremen
Further information is available from SuUB.
The Mensacard
How do I get the card?
The Mensacard must be collected. This can be done at the service points or tills in the cafeterias of the Studierendenwerk (student services organization) Bremen. To collect your card, you will need your national identity card and student ID, as well as five euros for the deposit and at least five euros for the initial balance. The Mensacard is a prepaid card. You can top up using cash or by EC card at the machines in the university cafeteria, for example. All top-up machine locations can be found on the website of the Studierendenwerk.
What do I need the card for?
The Mensacard enables cashless payment at many places on the campus. You can use it to pay at the Studierendenwerk´s catering facilities, at the snack machines, the washing and drying machines in the residential complexes.
Further information is available from the Studierendenwerk.